@remchan Ahaha nooo I don't want to be disrespectful. ;-;
De @jisuk - Post original
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@remchan Ahaha nooo I don't want to be disrespectful. ;-;
De @jisuk - Post original
He got off at Ueno. Good-bye, Monk-san... who owns nicer luggage than me what's up with that.
De @jisuk - Post original
He's so cool. ;-;
De @jisuk - Post original
De @jisuk - Post original
De @jisuk - Post original
@remchan I know, right? Even I was a bit offended. http://t.co/hP6bggGtJQ
De @jisuk - Post original
I got some messages asking if it was still okay to request the ‘special’ chapter or if I was still willing to send it out. The answer is, of course! Please don’t ask through Tumblr, though, since the note system here is kinda crap. You can email me at jisukcho at gmail (it’s still 18+, though). And there’s no need to be shy. I’ve already sent out dozens of them so you’re not the only one. (✿◠‿◠) ~ <3
(also I think it’s worth noting that some of your email subjects have been hilarious)
coonblr :
Why does shichi trains on a regular monk staff and not with a naginata like his master?
Good question and thanks for your interest!
First of all, Sagiri knew, when she asked him to take the shakujo, that he would become a wanderer. It’s a very typical weapon for traveling monks because it doubles as a walking staff. The sound that the metal rings make serves multiple purposes, one of which is to keep away little animals so they don’t get stepped on (and to frighten off larger animals that might want to eat the monk). In addition, shakujo are often depicted as a traditional tengu weapon.
The monks of their temple are adverse to harming anything or anyone, but you may have noticed that Sagiri was able to fuck up a guy’s ankle with the blade of her naginata. She finds it to be a necessary evil in self defense, but Shichi would simply refuse to draw blood, even in that situation. And so, a weapon with no blade is more suited to him.
Finally, when researching weapons I became pretty fond of the idea of giving Sagiri a naginata. In old Japan (Edo period), they were commonly used by women, usually to defend their homes. Seriously, check out this bad ass. The naginata is great for keeping your enemy away from you, which is suitable for women since they tend to be smaller and not quite as strong as men.
tl;dr Each weapon is better suited for the character that uses it. \o/
Sorry! Sorry oh god I can’t apologize enough for this…
New favorite character.
Just thought I’d wrap this shit up.