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Presentación de Jisuk

Jisuk Cho was born in Seoul, South Korea and is currently living in Tokyo, Japan. Somewhere in the middle of all that, Jisuk went to the School of Visual Arts in NYC and managed to pry a BFA in Animation out of the chairman's trembling, reluctant hands.

Lenguas habladas:
English  日本語 

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3 Seguidores

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Comentarios: 0
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Nivel: 1, Siguiente nivel en 50 xp
Nível: Noob
Experiencia: 0
Puntos de Traductor: 0



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Blog de Jisuk

Tengu tengu tengu~ (at 鞍馬寺 Kurama-dera)

De jisuk - Post original


Holy crap I went to a tengu mountain my trip is complete. (@ 鞍馬寺 Kurama-dera) [pic]: http://t.co/PN6UnCWk5r

De @jisuk - Post original


@Ahvia The Kyoto Manga Museum has a drawing by Plympton here! http://t.co/rVnxYuUZrd

De @jisuk - Post original


Holy crap you guys this station is called Crow Circle. (≧∇≦) http://t.co/d5cFWpsML9

De @jisuk - Post original


Holy crap you guys this station is called Crow Circle. (≧∇≦)

De jisuk - Post original


Yuki and I got matcha ice creammmmm http://t.co/WOXQ3FBzOc

De @jisuk - Post original


Eating kitsune udon at the Inari Shrine yeah we went there. http://t.co/boxX93CQyJ

De @jisuk - Post original


This guy. @ 伏見稲荷大社 http://t.co/njmgzyMoba

De @jisuk - Post original


At the Inari Shrine ヽ(;▽;)ノ (at 伏見稲荷大社)

De jisuk - Post original

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