Lesson 1: How to draw a donut. Stay tuned for our next lesson -- how to draw a plate for your donut. @… http://t.co/OGoQLtUJv0
De @jisuk - Post original
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Lesson 1: How to draw a donut. Stay tuned for our next lesson -- how to draw a plate for your donut. @… http://t.co/OGoQLtUJv0
De @jisuk - Post original
Lesson 1: How to draw a donut. Stay tuned for our next lesson — how to draw a plate for your donut. (at ミスタードーナツ 大垣駅ショップ)
Okay so maybe some of you have noticed I’ve been posting a hell of a lot tonight. I’m leaving for Kyoto (going to be there for 5 days) in about two hours and I’m trying to kill time! My plan is to sleep on the train. Yeah I got dis.
Thanks for bearing with me.
The Shinkansen is running this late? It’s nearly 3 am!
Oh two hours! So you’re catching the first train at 5?
Shinkansen! For this broke individual? No sir, we’re going to ride the local trains for NINE HOURS with the super discounted SEISHUN 18 KIPPU. Because I have no money, but had already booked the hostel before Sallie Mae robbed me.
randomtengureporter :
[[So, I'm curious if you've thought of this already, or not, but how do your Tengu drink tea, or anything else, with their beaks?]]
Tilt their heads back. :) I was unsure about it earlier but I looked up how birds drink and, well, yeah. Also if you try flattening your lips against your teeth and then get a cup you can manage to drink with a head tilt NOT THAT I TRIED IT OR ANYTHING.
electrospasm replied to your post: electrospasm replied to your post: Ferris! How…
100% complimenting Ferris :)
Okay so maybe some of you have noticed I’ve been posting a hell of a lot tonight. I’m leaving for Kyoto (going to be there for 5 days) in about two hours and I’m trying to kill time! My plan is to sleep on the train. Yeah I got dis.
Thanks for bearing with me.
electrospasm replied to your post: Ferris! How about lust?
So he doesn’t like girls..?
I’m not quite sure if you’re insulting girls or complimenting Ferris…
(the redhead is a fill-in don’t mind her)
shadows-parade :
Ferris: Wrath!
Wrath: Let’s see. When people say ‘your’ instead of ‘you’re.’ When people put in unnecessary apostrophes and turn things into possessives when they really aren’t. When strangers stare at me in public. Being spoken to by strangers. Bring brushed against by strangers. When someone leans on the subway pole that I’m trying to hold onto and I get a roll of back-fat smashed up against my knuckles. Carrots. Incredibly loud people. People who kiss in public. When I stay up all night to write a paper and then come in the next day and the teacher has given an extension for all of the lazy douchebags. The way I always smell like cigarette smoke even though I don’t smoke. Celebrities who are famous for being famous. When Seamus says “Bueller. Bueller. Bueller.”