So they say things like "Room... with singing. Songs. We sing songs." and I'm like, dude it's okay you can just say karaoke.
De @jisuk - Post original
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So they say things like "Room... with singing. Songs. We sing songs." and I'm like, dude it's okay you can just say karaoke.
De @jisuk - Post original
I love when a client is so invested in English that they refuse to use Japanese at all during a lesson.
De @jisuk - Post original
Why the hell is Twitter showing me everyone's @ replies to EVERYONE.
De @jisuk - Post original
randomtengureporter :
[[So, male Tengus have larger beaks, or is Sagiri's just smaller? Again, loving what you're doing... Can't wait for the next chapter!]]
Um, that’s a good question. Actual ravens have zero sexual dimorphism (differences between males and females) and the female tengu in this story totally lack any typical ‘feminine’ traits (no breasts since who the hell would want to breastfeed something with a beak). I’m considering giving them smaller beaks just so there is some physical clue of their gender without resorting to some Minnie Mouse hair bow and eyelash shortcuts.
So, tl;dr yes females have smaller beaks.
These are also the guys that do script OHIO, which we used to ahve to do in high school, and let me tell you, its one of the hardest things ever. These guys are amaze.
Oh my fucking god.
sevenastra replied to your post: Karasu (烏) - Part 04
Ahhh, so sad! You really paint some amazing imagery with your writing. ;o; Although, I’d like to see a sketch of Sagiri, please? Now that you mentioned the aging rates for Tengus.
Sure thing!
Oh god I could feel her silent disapproval the entire time I drew this… (ノдヽ)
@kikibee @notquitenormal Haha do you remember this? Also Back Forty.
De @jisuk - Post original
@hearmemeep Haha sorry, thanks for reading though! ;;
De @jisuk - Post original