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Presentación de Jisuk

Jisuk Cho was born in Seoul, South Korea and is currently living in Tokyo, Japan. Somewhere in the middle of all that, Jisuk went to the School of Visual Arts in NYC and managed to pry a BFA in Animation out of the chairman's trembling, reluctant hands.

Lenguas habladas:
English  日本語 

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3 Seguidores

0 Amigo


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Nivel: 1, Siguiente nivel en 50 xp
Nível: Noob
Experiencia: 0
Puntos de Traductor: 0



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Blog de Jisuk

@kikibee Ugh I still remember the time I had one and I thought I was dying and you talked me down from it. *_*

De @jisuk - Post original


I think this is more of a slogan for @Ahvia than it is for Microsoft. http://t.co/r6AtC1rS

De @jisuk - Post original


Nueva página de Fishbones

En Español, chapitre 1, page 18


broooksie :
Hi there! I just wanted to say that your webcomic is amazing, and I fully intend on getting the novel to go along with it. I instantly fell in love with your characters, and I can't wait to read all about them. Thanks for putting out something so fantastic!


You are so welcome, and thank you as well for the feedback! It’s really appreciated. ; ;


De jisuk - Post original


baconlita :
Sorry if this sounds weird but I wanted to thank you. I've been a fan of yours since I was about 15 or so and I'm 23 now. I say this because I wanted you to know that after all these years you still inspire me. We write about similar topics (organized crime) and I look to Fishbones and how you've handled the art, writing and business end of webcomics as inspiration for my own efforts. I wish you nothing but success in the future and look forward to more Fishbones pages.


Wow, thanks for sticking with me all this time! I’m honored to be an inspiration for you. I just hope you don’t figure out that I’m actually a hack. >_>

Jkjk thank you from the bottom of my heart for your kind words!

De jisuk - Post original


kurekai :
I have just finished reading the novel rendition of Fishbones and I would like to thank you for writing such and original and touching story. I have never loved characters like I have loved Ferris and Demos and I will treasure this amazing novel in my heart for always. Thank you so much for this. (now please excuse me I have to go dry my tears because I've been honestly crying for about 15 minutes)


Ahh, thank you so much! I’m really, really happy you enjoyed the book that much. You guys are the reason I write!

De jisuk - Post original


the-terminal-show :
Will there be more reprints of Fishbones? I always miss out on buying these things ahh, sorry if you've been asked this before I just want to make sure I set money aside.


Hey there! I’m sorry but I’m not entirely sure when we will be reprinting the comic. The reason is that we both live in Japan and most of our customers would be from the US —> super expensive shipping. We might do a comic fest in Tokyo in 2013, but even then the books would probably be printed in Japanese. Ahh, sorry this wasn’t very helpful! Perhaps if there is enough interest we can order some more and ship them from Japan if people are willing to pay the high postage.

De jisuk - Post original


Yay we got an apartment! (≧∇≦)

De @jisuk - Post original


Nueva página de Fishbones

En Español, chapitre 1, page 17


I ship it.

De @jisuk - Post original

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