Update: Another seat opened up and they sat down together.
De @jisuk - Post original
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Update: Another seat opened up and they sat down together.
De @jisuk - Post original
Just watched two elderly salarymen repeatedly offer each other a subway seat, which ended with neither of them taking it.
De @jisuk - Post original
Hi Amazon can you please ship this English version of this game to Japan yes I am serious stop looking at me like that.
De @jisuk - Post original
I either need to become fluent in Japanese by October or I'm gonna get the new Pokemon later than everyone else...
De @jisuk - Post original
RT @amilova: @jisuk @Hakailer Voilà the spanish version has started thanks to the spanish community http://t.co/cfqjNTYK :-D !
De @jisuk - Post original
Nueva página de Fishbones
En Español, chapitre 1, page 3
En Español, chapitre 1, page 4
En Español, chapitre 1, page 5
En Español, chapitre 1, page 5
En Español, chapitre 1, page 6
En Español, chapitre 1, page 7
En Español, chapitre 1, page 8
En Español, chapitre 1, page 9
En Español, chapitre 1, page 10
En Español, chapitre 1, page 10
En Español, chapitre 1, page 11
En Español, chapitre 1, page 12
En Español, chapitre 1, page 13
En Español, chapitre 1, page 14
And just keep SmackJeeves for commenting. Or Option Two: Redo the entire site onto ComicPress from scratch. Any thoughts?
De @jisuk - Post original
I'm considering two options. One: Keep ComicCMS but remove the confusing, weird commenting system so there are simply no comments.
De @jisuk - Post original
So, the person who offered to help with the Fishbones site isn't returning my emails. I guess I'd better figure this out myself.
De @jisuk - Post original
Huhu a client who works for a Japanese eyeglass distributor complimented my glasses. B) #stylin
De @jisuk - Post original