Last week we went to G-Cans (首都圏外郭放水路) - The world’s largest underground flood water diversion facility in Saitama, Japan.
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De jisuk - Post original 2dic2013
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Last week we went to G-Cans (首都圏外郭放水路) - The world’s largest underground flood water diversion facility in Saitama, Japan.
(More on Flickr)
Karasu: Book II 一 Part 01 (Care)
Karasu is back with Book Two! Sorry it took me such a long time, I had a lot going on (and some friends visiting) this month. Also, this chapter is a bit long. I hope you enjoy it and thank you for keeping up with the story!
Karasu stickers are back in stock (only $2)! You can find them in the shop:
Our new nabe pot is washed and ready.
We bought too many ingredients...
Everything is cut up and set in the pot!
Ready to eat!
Dip in ponzu sauce!
We made nabe for the first time!
Ingredients: Sliced pork, tofu, aburaage (fried tofu), udon noodles, shiitake mushroom, enoki mushroom, negi (green onion), hakusai (napa cabbage), daikon (Japanese radish), kimchi broth, yuzu ponzu sauce
Last week we went to G-Cans (首都圏外郭放水路) - The world’s largest underground flood water diversion facility in Saitama, Japan.
(More on Flickr)