Okay, to the person who I love but just reblogged some thing about a ‘Paleo-diet’ on my dash… I have something to say.
Ancient people were not “tall, muscular, and athletic" because they didn’t eat rice. They were fit because they ran around in the woods for two weeks tracking down a god damned mammoth and then dragging its carcass and bones back home to share with their entire tribe. This infographic mushed Homo sapiens into one word and then claimed to know everything about the way we used to be behave and eat. Let me tell you a thing. People back then barely ever made it past 40 because they were dying of disease and starvation. Rice and wheat have been staples of civilization for thousands of years. The longest lived people in the entire world are from Okinawa, whose diet includes rice, sweet potatoes, etc.
Sure, cutting back on carbohydrates will probably be beneficial. But I am sick and tired of people saying “cavemen were skinny because they didn’t eat bread." Ancient people were fit because they hunted for food. All we have to do is fork over some cash at a convenience store. Americans are fat because they eat too much of whatever it is they choose to eat. You know what else cavemen did? Not have schools, hospitals, or vaccines. Instead of trying to “be like a caveman" and cutting things entirely out of your diet, try eating less and moving more.
De jisuk - Post original