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Presentación de Jisuk

Jisuk Cho was born in Seoul, South Korea and is currently living in Tokyo, Japan. Somewhere in the middle of all that, Jisuk went to the School of Visual Arts in NYC and managed to pry a BFA in Animation out of the chairman's trembling, reluctant hands.

Lenguas habladas:
English  日本語 

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Blog de Jisuk





Senator Wendy Davis is a fucking badass.

There’s this bill that they are trying to pass in Texas that would make it illegal to get any abortion after 20 weeks of pregnancy, and would make it very difficult for abortion centers to continue doing what they do. Governor Rick Perry has already said that if the bill makes it to his desk, he will sign it. And Wendy Davis said fuck no that is not happening.

So she’s filibustering it. That means she asked to talk on the subject at 11:18 this morning, and if she can continue talking about abortion until 11:59 tonight, the bill won’t reach Governor Perry, and they would have to start all over with the bill next time they meet- 2 years from now.

But Wendy has to keep talking. She can’t pause for even a minute, not for food or a sip of water or to go to the bathroom or sit down. She can’t even lean up against anything, or she’s out. So she’s wearing motherfucking PINK NIKE TENNIS SHOES in the middle of the state senate.

She also has to continue talking about the topic. She sent out tweets an other messages last night asking for anyone and everyone’s abortion story, and received a shit load of answers. Her staff is still collecting them, and she’s reading them aloud to the senate. Not only is she making this bill impossible to pass, she may just change some minds while she’s at it.

This is history, guys. Wendy Davis is a motherfucking badass, and we are watching it happen.

She’s putting on for my state and city! Yehyuh!

And she’s doing incredible! 


De jisuk - Post original



In regards to this meme!

14) Most fashionable: Kana - To be honest, she doesn’t have a lot of competition here. Shichi and Sagiri just dress like monks and Chiyo practically wears boys clothes. She’s probably the only one who actually cares about her clothing.

16) Most confident: Zaisei - I originally considered Sagiri for this, but Zaisei is confident to the point of ridiculousness. He’s like the hare that takes a nap because he doesn’t think the tortoise is worth shit compared to his awesomeness.

De jisuk - Post original


In regards to this meme!

14) Most fashionable: Kana - To be honest, she doesn’t have a lot of competition here. Shichi and Sagiri just dress like monks and Chiyo practically wears boys clothes. She’s probably the only one who actually cares about her clothing.

16) Most confident: Zaisei - I originally considered Sagiri for this, but Zaisei is confident to the point of ridiculousness. He’s like the hare that takes a nap because he doesn’t think the tortoise is worth shit compared to his awesomeness.

De jisuk - Post original






you can also do top 3 most and least if you have too many characters nwn

Hi it’s 6am. Give me something other than writing and painting to do?

aaaaa I wanna try thisss send me some and I’ll doodle them!

I want to draw sakana answers for these, but like 90% of them will be taisei…


I’ll try to draw some Karasu pics for these if anyone bites!

De jisuk - Post original


Nueva página de Fishbones

En Español, chapitre 2, page 56


I guess this is what happens when villains get disappointed with their staff.

De jisuk - Post original



De jisuk - Post original




Hey followers! I will be making some Karasu stickers from the temple logo and they will be totally free! All I need is your precious, life-giving feedback. Just leave five comments on any chapters on the Karasu website, then email me with your address. I won’t be policing the comment lengths or anything, but please try not to just say “Cool.” and call it a day. If your email name is different from your commenting handle, please let me know so I can connect the two!

Karasu Website: jisukcho.com/karasu
Email: jisukcho at gmail

Details: 38mm or 1.5” diameter - Printed on thick durable vinyl with a glossy finish. Every five comments you leave gets you one sticker. (ie: 15 comments = 3 stickers)

If you would prefer the dark design (left side) or the light one (right side) let me know, otherwise it will be random.

The deadline for this promotion is June 30th! I won”t be ordering the stickers until then (so I know how many I need) so please be patient, thanks!

Love you guys so much. ;-; <3

Hey guys! Just a reminder that there’s one week left to do this. Many wonderful folks have already been marked down for their stickers! If you’ve written five more since you last emailed me, please let me know so I can send you an extra one. :)

De jisuk - Post original



Jisuk does cruel things sometimes.

It was an honest mistake. >_>

De jisuk - Post original


Would anyone be interested in a run of signed Karasu prints? For example, this, this, or this. I’ve been hesitant to do this since it would cost more to ship from Japan, but just wondering if anyone would want one?

De jisuk - Post original

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