Thanks for the advice, though I sincerely hope that no one decides to start reading the story from chapter 21 seriously who does that please don’t do that.
De jisuk - Post original 12jun2013
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Thanks for the advice, though I sincerely hope that no one decides to start reading the story from chapter 21 seriously who does that please don’t do that.
Is it okay to start a chapter with ‘they,’ ‘he,’ ‘she,’ etc, or should I use the character’s names in case the readers forgot?
You can start with ‘senpai.’ Get over here these books aren’t going to carry themselves.
randomtengureporter :
[[Did someone get older today? Happy birthday, old timer!]]
Not quite, my birthday is on Friday! But thank yoouuu. ;] Now get off of my property, fledgling.
Ask: Pretend you are my character's parent(s), and tell them what you think about their life choices.
De jisuk - Post original
Wait what
De @jisuk - Post original
Waking up at 7:30 to go to my Buddhism class THIS IS SO EARLY and painful I might as well just be a monk wow agh.
De @jisuk - Post original
Photo: Hurrgh it should be working now I had the wrong link on the chapter list. I mentioned I’m dumb...
De @jisuk - Post original