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Guildadventure 31

It is well known that Guild Adventure have it's heavier inspiration in the Monster Hunter gamers. Even if in the practice this comic have a different aproach to the theme of Monster Hunting, it have many references, jokes and homenages to the MH games. This one is one of those, making homenage to one of the first promotional illustrations of MH2, wich is very famous.

I'm also starting to be in my field. Drawing monsters and spectacular fights it's what i like the most, and i think it have an obvious effect in the quality

Guildadventure 25/01/2013 02:26:00   
Guildadventure 31

Monster Design contest is over, check the participants here http://www.amilova.com/en/foru...pic.php?id=4476&p=1#p70200

One of the participants asked me for references of the leviazan. As i don't want to make spoilers i tried to think references of famous leviathans. The ones i remember are, aside of the biblic one, the one in final fantasy http://images3.wikia.nocookie....ages/8/82/Ffviii-leviathan.jpg, and the one in mass effect http://images.wikia.com/massef...an-shepard-mech-underwater.jpg, do you know some other famous leviathan?

Seems that this night will be released a subtitled version of Dragon ball battle of gods, i will report when i see it xD

Guildadventure 03/04/2013 00:40:39   
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Guild Adventure

Guild Adventure: couverture




Auteur :

Équipe : , ,

Version originale: Español

Type : manga

Genre : Action


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