Her name... back when I updated this in 2006, this is the 7th strip, and I was only updating Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays back then so it took more than a week after I first put this comic up for me to finally reveal her name.
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What revelation
TroyB 26/01/2013 11:14:46Auteur
Her name... back when I updated this in 2006, this is the 7th strip, and I was only updating Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays back then so it took more than a week after I first put this comic up for me to finally reveal her name.
Eisu 24/02/2013 11:16:32Jess, huh. Cute name.
Death-carioca 20/06/2014 15:27:32