One day I got bitten by a fly. I didn't swat it : it flew off before my hand reached my arm. The girl is acting in bad faith.
Bellatrice a dit: The girl is acting in bad faith. Totally .
Flies don't bite. Atleast, not normal flies. They clean you. That's a primary reason of why they stay a lot in excrements and other dirty places.
It wasn't a "normal" fly. It was yellow and... it's all I know.
Yellow, huh. Interesting...
Auteur : Eisu
Équipe : Bellatrice
Version originale: English
Rythme de publication: Lundi, Vendredi
Type : Comics/BDs
Genre : Humour
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One day I got bitten by a fly. I didn't swat it : it flew off before my hand reached my arm.
Bellatrice 04/03/2013 13:29:18The girl is acting in bad faith.
Bellatrice a dit:
TroyB 30/05/2013 17:52:30The girl is acting in bad faith.
Flies don't bite. Atleast, not normal flies.
Death-carioca 20/06/2014 15:38:41They clean you. That's a primary reason of why they stay a lot in excrements and other dirty places.
It wasn't a "normal" fly. It was yellow and... it's all I know.
Bellatrice 20/06/2014 20:49:38Yellow, huh.
Death-carioca 20/06/2014 21:15:42Interesting...