Auteur : ImagineTheEnding
Équipe : gobes, TroyB, Nick Camus, Honkone
Traduction par : gobes
Version originale: English
Rythme de publication: Mardi
Type : Comics/BDs
Genre : Fantasy - SF
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Merci Nick Camus pour la traduction de cette page
TroyB 31/01/2013 09:15:04Auteur
He really had at it with the translating. Like most of Issue 1, if not all of Issue 1 is now in French. Pretty cool! Too bad I can't really comment him or anyone in appreciation because I can't speak the language. Only somewhat read it. Hahaha.
ImagineTheEnding 31/01/2013 18:15:01Équipe
Just say in your comment "Merci beaucoup, j'espère que vous continuerez d'apprécier ma BD !" and everyone will be happy ^^
TroyB 07/02/2013 13:03:32Équipe
Don't worry for that, and congratulations for your job, it's a really good comic.
Nick Camus 07/02/2013 11:36:38Auteur
Merci! Or Thank you.
ImagineTheEnding 07/02/2013 22:08:31
mathew600 19/06/2013 14:14:32