I just finished this strip 5 minutes ago! Just on time! If you are thinking that there is something odd running between nari`ka and johnson, you will probably enjoy the next strip of "legends of Eatatau" http://eatatau.smackjeeves.com/Legends/ And yep, this friday, or saturday, there will be an extra strip with the second part of the interview. Happy 200!
BTW, I just make a little research, and looks like "Quinunolagnia" is a spanish term... the nearest meaning would be the english "Autassassinophilia"
Auteur : Darius
Équipe : Tyrannide
Version originale: English
Type : manga
Genre : Fantasy - SF
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Fantasy - SF
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I just finished this strip 5 minutes ago! Just on time!

Darius 03/04/2013 10:28:47If you are thinking that there is something odd running between nari`ka and johnson, you will probably enjoy the next strip of "legends of Eatatau"
And yep, this friday, or saturday, there will be an extra strip with the second part of the interview.
Happy 200!
BTW, I just make a little research, and looks like "Quinunolagnia" is a spanish term... the nearest meaning would be the english "Autassassinophilia"
Darius 03/04/2013 13:19:58