God... I deeply hate Amilova... Support Eatatau by becoming a patron and get special contents! http://www.patreon.com/eatatau
She's nake, full of rituals to summom souls. And even with that you manage to make it funny. She's definitely a beginner... What is the matter with amilova?
Bugs... bugs everywhere.
As in your comic !
More, and far more annoying.
At last my moving is nearly finished (from France to Quebec if you're interested) and I can begin my support. That's official : you have a new patron. I am not writting that to congratulate myself ( I say no, sir) but to encourage people reading me to do it.
Much appreciated, and congratulations for your moving! ^-^
Auteur : Darius
Équipe : Tyrannide
Version originale: English
Type : manga
Genre : Fantasy - SF
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God... I deeply hate Amilova...
Darius 19/06/2014 02:18:59Support Eatatau by becoming a patron and get special contents!
She's nake, full of rituals to summom souls.
Gildor 19/06/2014 02:55:49And even with that you manage to make it funny. She's definitely a beginner...
What is the matter with amilova?
Bugs... bugs everywhere.
Darius 19/06/2014 03:21:20As in your comic !
Gildor 19/06/2014 04:53:11Auteur
More, and far more annoying.
Darius 19/06/2014 04:54:57At last my moving is nearly finished (from France to Quebec if you're interested) and I can begin my support.
Gildor 20/06/2014 19:55:01That's official : you have a new patron. I am not writting that to congratulate myself ( I say no, sir) but to encourage people reading me to do it.
Much appreciated, and congratulations for your moving! ^-^
Darius 21/06/2014 03:50:04