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2 commentaires
Darius 22

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Im on holidays! and that means... time to draw another special PPV comic! what will it be...? mmmm...

Darius 30/07/2014 09:53:14   
Gildor 31

Very good last picture^^

It's always the same thing in movies : a akward situation and the concerned guy say #no no, not what you think# with a guilty face. Why on hell this gulty face I wonder, making him culprit.

And at last, you break this stupid cliché : no guilty face and #don't make a fool of yourself, you know it's an accident.#

Gildor 30/07/2014 16:57:17   

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Eatatau!: couverture




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Version originale: English

Type : manga

Genre : Fantasy - SF


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