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2866 vues
5 commentaires
Taresh 2

might not be a page for a couple of days while i work on an anniversary pic for Ryak-Lo's 3rd year!

Taresh 03/04/2013 21:05:15   
KenB 7

this story is awesome!

KenB 04/04/2013 08:29:20   
Taresh 2

thanks man glad your still stickin with it and enjoying it

Taresh 04/04/2013 23:56:51   
KenB 7

How can one not follow a cool story like this. it would well be worth animating or the like

KenB 05/04/2013 09:02:03   
Snowjay 1

I'v read this a billion times and I never get bored of this

Snowjay 21/04/2013 07:09:12   
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