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8309 vues
13 commentaires
studio.takoyaki 32

if the word "screwed" is hurting your sensitive little eyes I can change it =p

studio.takoyaki 28/09/2011 06:54:54   
ceco1 6

studio.takoyaki a dit:if the word "screwed" is hurting your sensitive little eyes I can change it =p
to "f***ed"

ceco1 28/09/2011 08:07:40   
Eskhar 31

I read scanlation, and I think I've already seen this word (in the same kind of situation, of course ^^')
I'm gonna upload the new pages for you to translate, Furo, you're the best X3 thank you!!

Eskhar 28/09/2011 11:34:08   
Robot Panda 7

"Screwed" is used in one of the Shrek movies. If people get offended, they need a reality check.

The comic rocks, keep it up!

Robot Panda 28/09/2011 08:46:15   
Eskhar 31

Thank you, Robot Panda !

Eskhar 28/09/2011 11:34:50   
DrugOn 11

Last frame rocks. I have to print it and hang it on the wall

DrugOn 28/09/2011 10:30:36   
Eskhar 31

Thehehehe ! I guess you have wonderful dreams when you get to sleep with blood scenes all over your wall Thank you very much!

Eskhar 28/09/2011 11:40:13   
DrugOn 11

Eskhar a dit:Thehehehe ! I guess you have wonderful dreams when you get to sleep with blood scenes all over your wall XD Thank you very much!
Fine, so I'll use it as a Halloween decoration

DrugOn 28/09/2011 21:53:00   
Mart 17

Brutal! Love it!

Mart 14/11/2011 12:34:59   
Eskhar 31

Thank you very much ! I really wanted to show raw savagery and violence on this one, I'm glad it worked !!

Eskhar 14/11/2011 13:22:10   
Pink_Marionette 6

That lower panel *_*

Pink_Marionette 21/11/2012 21:31:37   


UNDEADTRINITY 20/03/2013 14:55:41   
auni ann 1

this is so awesome! nice one!

auni ann 12/09/2013 21:27:43   
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Psychomantium: couverture




Auteur :

Équipe :

Traduction par : studio.takoyaki

Version originale: Français

Type : manga

Genre : Fantasy - SF


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