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4142 vues
5 commentaires
IDias 2

Se todos os jogos fossem assim, os canais de Basebol nunca teriam problemas com as audiências! lol

IDias 15/12/2011 11:52:01   
johandark 34

IDias a dit:Se todos os jogos fossem assim, os canais de Basebol nunca teriam problemas com as audiências! lol

I understood you. "If all games would be like this, All Baseball Channels wouldn´t have problems of Audience!"

but try to avoid commenting in a language that is not what is written on the comic page. thanks

johandark 15/12/2011 12:52:30   
lauramma 3

IDias a dit:Se todos os jogos fossem assim, os canais de Basebol nunca teriam problemas com as audiências! lol

hahah obrigada!! xDD

lauramma 23/12/2011 17:12:50   
IDias 2

lauramma a dit:IDias a dit:Se todos os jogos fossem assim, os canais de Basebol nunca teriam problemas com as audiências! lol

hahah obrigada!! xDD

de nada!

IDias 26/12/2011 12:22:38   
tai 4

jajaja... Like IDias says, if all Baseball games were like this it would be my favorite sport xD.

The drawing and humor of this manga reminds me of "Ranma 1 / 2", funny faces and all! The last vignette koji face droping tears is priceless xD.

This manga is very good, keep it up!.

tai 17/12/2011 02:37:39   
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The God and the Player

The God and the Player: couverture




Auteur :

Équipe :

Version originale: English

Rythme de publication: Lundi, Mardi

Type : manga

Genre : Humour

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