Équipe : fikiri, poulpytooly, DrugOn, Rambam, didese, Robot Panda
Version originale: Français
Rythme de publication: Lundi, Vendredi
Type : Comics/BDs
Genre : Thriller
Cette œuvre est copyrightée, merci de ne pas la partager ou l'utiliser sans l'autorisation explicite de ses auteurs.
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No one commenting the english version of this awesome comic ? Come one readers, make an effort and don't be shy... it will stay between us that you're reading erotic comics
TroyB 23/09/2011 17:50:48TroyB a dit:No one commenting the english version of this awesome comic ? Come one readers, make an effort and don't be shy... it will stay between us that you're reading erotic comics
. Yeah, that's what they all say... and what she said, too...:tongue:
sven 17/03/2012 09:26:50