Équipe : fikiri, poulpytooly, DrugOn, Rambam, didese, Robot Panda
Version originale: Français
Rythme de publication: Lundi, Vendredi
Type : Comics/BDs
Genre : Thriller
Cette œuvre est copyrightée, merci de ne pas la partager ou l'utiliser sans l'autorisation explicite de ses auteurs.
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A little trivia for this page...
Pehesse 03/10/2011 19:52:48The French version ends using the word "verrou", which makes for an amusing ending as Eriko ends that word into a scream. But once translated, the word "lock" (or : "looooock" would lose all impact.. or at least I think it would be rather weird :-) so we used "bolt" instead, as it's slightly more fluid to pronounce, though I'm not sure it means quite the same thing in that case. But it's a matter of sound before sense, just for this once :-)
aaaaaaaaaah some erotic comic with good story, that's a cool cocktail !!!
Guts 14/10/2011 15:44:26Guts a dit:aaah some erotic comic with good story, that's a cool cocktail !!! Heh heh, glad you're enjoying the mix :-)
Pehesse 14/10/2011 16:06:53Guts a dit:aaah some erotic comic with good story, that's a cool cocktail !!!
Kinkgirl 14/10/2011 19:52:37Thank you very much for your compliment. It's a real pleasure to have some english readers too
Mmmhhh kinky kinky !!!
Hitsugaya 15/10/2011 12:57:50