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1901 vues
6 commentaires
Renji 1

Nice style Pehesse your illustrations are beautiful !!!

Renji 13/10/2011 19:56:29   
Pehesse 28

Renji a dit:Nice style Pehesse your illustrations are beautiful !!! Thanks :-D I'm glad you're enjoying it :-) There's a topic in the french part of the site about the process to make the pages, if you're interested ? (in "communauté -> Ashell -> process Ashell" or something like that). I'm going to translate those topics at some point for the english audience, but.. time is short :-D

Pehesse 13/10/2011 21:05:20   
Esteryn 33

love the cynism in the 'pleasure's all mine' ^.^

Esteryn 23/10/2011 22:05:18   
Pehesse 28

Esteryn a dit:love the cynism in the 'pleasure's all mine' ^.^ I love this kind of tension :-D instead of going all out and saying what they think, they bottle everything up and lie through their teeth... it can't stay that way forever, though :-D

Pehesse 23/10/2011 22:36:50   
Esteryn 33

That's barely a lie as it so obvious what she thinks I think it's all to her credit, that she is disciplined and obeys, but allows herself a little mocking phrase ^.^

Esteryn 23/10/2011 22:41:12   
Pehesse 28

Esteryn a dit:That's barely a lie as it so obvious what she thinks I think it's all to her credit, that she is disciplined and obeys, but allows herself a little mocking phrase ^.^ That's absolutely right. I find that sort of obviousness endearing :-p saying what you don't mean, in a way that makes it perfectly clear what's really on your mind... most of the other characters are more roundabout in their thinking, but Chelsie is as straightforward as you can hope to find here - which means not completely, that wouldn't be fun :-)

Pehesse 23/10/2011 22:50:32   
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Ashell: couverture




Auteur :

Version originale: Français

Rythme de publication: Lundi, Jeudi

Type : Comics/BDs

Genre : Fantasy - SF


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