My pen broke during the making of this page (can you tell where ?). After a brief panic moment, I settled for a similar pen with a smaller tip, which resulted in tighter lines - and as such, more details and definition. The info on the screen on cases 2 and 3 were a test to check that :-)
I find the look of the comic to drastically change after this page due to this new level of detail, you'll have to tell me if this is just my imagination.
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Pehesse 25/10/2011 18:06:06My pen broke during the making of this page (can you tell where ?). After a brief panic moment, I settled for a similar pen with a smaller tip, which resulted in tighter lines - and as such, more details and definition. The info on the screen on cases 2 and 3 were a test to check that :-)
I find the look of the comic to drastically change after this page due to this new level of detail, you'll have to tell me if this is just my imagination.