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7946 vues
3 commentaires
studio.takoyaki 32

Furo: Hi everybody!

First of all I would say that I'm sorry because we were not very active on the english version recently.

We were working on the final version of the volume number one. But now that I've got a little more time, I'll try to catch up my being late.

If you see some faults, please tell me on comments pages or do it on the translation box, as you wish.

studio.takoyaki 22/09/2011 19:25:53   
McLeod 15

studio.takoyaki a dit:Furo: Hi everybody!

First of all I would say that I'm sorry because we were not very active on the english version recently.

We were working on the final version of the volume number one. But now that I've got a little more time, I'll try to catch up my being late.

If you see some faults, please tell me on comments pages or do it on the translation box, as you wish.

Thanks for translating it AT LAST in english that's very sweet .
We'll try to help by commenting and correcting the possible english mistakes.
BTW impressive manga, illustrations are amazing, GG !

McLeod 23/09/2011 09:13:50   
studio.takoyaki 32

McLeod a dit:

Thanks for translating it AT LAST in english that's very sweet .
We'll try to help by commenting and correcting the possible english mistakes.
BTW impressive manga, illustrations are amazing, GG !

Mimi (illustrator):

aw! the first english comment!!! ^o^
thanks for supporting us.
I hope you will enjoy =)

studio.takoyaki 23/09/2011 17:33:06   
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Run 8

Run 8: couverture




Auteur : ,

Équipe : , , ,

Traduction par : tze

Version originale: Français

Type : manga

Genre : Action


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