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16 commentaires
studio.takoyaki 32

Here is the new cover of Run 8 volume 1.
Better, isn't it ?

studio.takoyaki 22/09/2011 19:28:56   
McLeod 15

studio.takoyaki a dit:Here is the new cover of Run 8 volume 1.
Better, isn't it ?

Yes it's super, it's amazing .

McLeod 23/09/2011 09:19:04   
studio.takoyaki 32

McLeod a dit:studio.takoyaki a dit:Here is the new cover of Run 8 volume 1.
Better, isn't it ?

Yes it's super, it's amazing .


I'm glad you like it! \^o^/

studio.takoyaki 23/09/2011 17:32:49   
IchigoKurosaki 1

Wooow great cover dudes !!!

IchigoKurosaki 23/09/2011 14:17:19   
Esteryn 33

it is great !

Esteryn 23/09/2011 15:20:20   
TroyB 41

Esteryn a dit:it is great !

If you comment only other artists pages Esteryn, I'll end up being very jalous :gentleman-pipe: :little-girl: :chinese:

TroyB 23/09/2011 16:03:10   
Esteryn 33

TroyB a dit:If you comment only other artists pages Esteryn, I'll end up being very jalous undefined undefined undefined

But I did comment on all the first pages on Amilova ^.^ I just got a little fed up with the fan service. I'm not criticising, it's cool for men, but it can get a bit offensive for girl readers and seeing it was going that direction, I thought maybe it was a male-target audience manga only ^.^' But I did intend to go back and read the new pages anyway.

Esteryn 25/09/2011 16:09:07   
Sandy 1

Yeah it's far better I love it !

Sandy 24/09/2011 04:17:40   
joejunker 1

Yeah I love the circular balancing of the enegies of the picture, it's great !

joejunker 24/09/2011 08:30:16   
studio.takoyaki 32

joejunker a dit:Yeah I love the circular balancing of the enegies of the picture, it's great !
Thanks Mimi was exhausted when she finished this part.

studio.takoyaki 24/09/2011 11:15:38   
studio.takoyaki 32

sandy a dit:Yeah it's far better I love it!
One thing to know : We were so sure that our first cover was excelent, but we posted a topic about it and our best reader just told us: if I saw this cover on a comic store, i wouldn't even take a look at the inside.

O_O wtf???! So one two three, new cover xD.

studio.takoyaki 24/09/2011 11:19:13   
Esteryn 33

studio.takoyaki a dit:One thing to know : We were so sure that our first cover was excelent, but we posted a topic about it and our best reader just told us: if I saw this cover on a comic store, i wouldn't even take a look at the inside.

I liked the other one too I think both are great

Esteryn 25/09/2011 15:54:53   
dary30 1

si la puedo ver porq tengo 36 revisa bien para que vea que es asi

dary30 28/11/2012 05:28:34   
SkyGreen 1

Cool cover

SkyGreen 26/10/2014 17:22:48   
Throneofsouls 1

You know so far I really like this story though I wonder when I can buy this-

I mean once the story is completely finished & translated that is.
I'd love to buy the series though I'm not sure how many volumes the author will make.

Throneofsouls 16/06/2016 15:37:37   
studio.takoyaki 32

Thank you so much, but we currently aren't able to manage our comics due to a lake of money. So we are looking for jobs etc... But thanks for your comment =)

studio.takoyaki 16/06/2016 16:56:59   

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Run 8

Run 8: couverture




Auteur : ,

Équipe : , , ,

Traduction par : Roxy02

Version originale: Français

Type : manga

Genre : Action


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