Auteur : Mimiyavi, studio.takoyaki
Équipe : tze, Guxo, BK-81, Leyng
Traduction par : studio.takoyaki
Version originale: Français
Type : manga
Genre : Action
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Furo :thanks a lot for all yours comments (in one DAY O_O),
studio.takoyaki 23/09/2011 18:40:50It gives me the desire to work harder and give you a quality comic.
Nice layout of frames
DrugOn 16/10/2011 22:25:47Niiiceee!
Mart 08/11/2011 10:53:32Auteur
Mart a dit:Niiiceee!
studio.takoyaki 09/11/2011 17:00:48Mimi: guns were the most difficult thing to draw here
studio.takoyaki a dit:Mart a dit:Niiiceee!
Mart 09/11/2011 17:28:30Mimi: guns were the most difficult thing to draw here
They always are, so much details to put in perspective.
Mart a dit:studio.takoyaki a dit:Mart a dit:Niiiceee!
studio.takoyaki 11/11/2011 18:54:09Mimi: guns were the most difficult thing to draw here
They always are, so much details to put in perspective.
yeah! what's more, sometimes they look like toys
studio.takoyaki a dit:Mart a dit:studio.takoyaki a dit:Mart a dit:Niiiceee!

Mart 11/11/2011 18:59:56Mimi: guns were the most difficult thing to draw here
They always are, so much details to put in perspective.
yeah! what's more, sometimes they look like toys undefined
Yup, I had to do a revolver in perspective that's hard.