Auteur : Mimiyavi, studio.takoyaki
Équipe : tze, Guxo, BK-81, Leyng
Traduction par : studio.takoyaki
Version originale: Français
Type : manga
Genre : Action
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It seems weird no one commented on this page Oo I comment it's coolness ;D
Drawly 01/10/2011 01:31:03Auteur
Drawly a dit:It seems weird no one commented on this page Oo I comment it's coolness ;D
studio.takoyaki 01/10/2011 01:43:50Maybe we have too much pages to read and peaople are afraid to read us :O ?
Drawly a dit:It seems weird no one commented on this page Oo I comment it's coolness ;D
Mart 08/11/2011 10:51:48Very nice page!
Mart a dit:Drawly a dit:It seems weird no one commented on this page Oo I comment it's coolness ;D
studio.takoyaki 08/11/2011 10:55:45Very nice page!
I wanted something dynamic like éAir Gear" ^^
Haha, they must face their fears sooner or later
Better sooner ;D
Drawly 01/10/2011 16:27:30Auteur
Drawly a dit:Haha, they must face their fears sooner or later
Better sooner ;D
studio.takoyaki 02/10/2011 11:13:28Mimi:
sooner should be better! chapter 3 is ready =)
wow for a minute there i thought this was air gear
Re-al Boss 31/08/2013 06:47:41