Auteur : Mimiyavi, studio.takoyaki
Équipe : tze, Guxo, BK-81, Leyng
Traduction par : studio.takoyaki
Version originale: Français
Type : manga
Genre : Action
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I love to give name to the combs that I imagine.
studio.takoyaki 23/09/2011 09:03:19Here I used the lexical field of an hive.
The way you order panels is really good, there is action but you don't get lost in all the movement. So cool ^^
Drawly 01/10/2011 01:30:01Auteur
Drawly a dit:The way you order panels is really good, there is action but you don't get lost in all the movement. So cool ^^
studio.takoyaki 01/10/2011 01:45:45It's a choregraphic work between the mind of furo and the spirit of Mimi. Strange danse xD.