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4226 vues
5 commentaires
Mart 17

Nice coloring, and i wanna see more of the blue heared girl

Mart 16/10/2011 10:55:59   
studio.takoyaki 32

Mart a dit:Nice coloring, and i wanna see more of the blue heared girl

The blue haired character is Dau, the Chef of the gang of "FX", you can see him in page 10, 11 and 23, and, of course in the comic, (fighting against Mally in chapter 6, coming soon!).

studio.takoyaki 16/10/2011 18:48:46   
Mart 17

studio.takoyaki a dit:Mart a dit:Nice coloring, and i wanna see more of the blue heared girl

The blue haired character is Dau, the Chef of the gang of "FX", you can see him in page 10, 11 and 23, and, of course in the comic, (fighting against Mally in chapter 6, coming soon!).

I like her style

Mart 16/10/2011 20:08:48   
k-aap 21

Woooo, O.o muy very very very bueno :O

k-aap 10/12/2011 10:57:44   
k-aap 21

aho que ando viendo estos arworks me ah interesado la serie p.p

k-aap 10/12/2011 10:58:21   
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Run 8 Artworks

Run 8 Artworks: couverture




Auteur :

Version originale: Français

Rythme de publication: Samedi

Type : manga

Genre : Dessins - Artworks

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