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4156 vues
5 commentaires
Кери 1

This is very Air Gear - like. I like it, but you guys should be careful of too much character overlapping.

Кери 16/10/2011 15:51:24   
studio.takoyaki 32

Кери a dit:This is very Air Gear - like. I like it, but you guys should be careful of too much character overlapping.

what do you mean by "too much charater overlapping"? Is it the composition of this page?

studio.takoyaki 16/10/2011 18:42:01   
Кери 1

I just recommend you to look at Oh!Great's art, so you can avoid drawing things (mostly hairstyles and clothes) that he already has . I'm not blaming you guys, it's impossible to know every manga character in the world... Keep up the good work

Кери 16/10/2011 19:27:12   
TroyB 41

Кери a dit:I just recommend you to look at Oh!Great's art, so you can avoid drawing things (mostly hairstyles and clothes) that he already has . I'm not blaming you guys, it's impossible to know every manga character in the world... Keep up the good work

Well well... it's not like if Oh!Great has invented anything... He has amazing drawing skills... but I have not seen anything original in what he draws. It is just "perfectly mastered", which is already something .
But It's not like he has a specific, unique, recognizible style...
Well I just read 300chapters of Air Gear... Oh!Great is technically good, but nothing more.

Obviously Oh!Great gets his "inspiration" in 90's CLAMP, video games, music videos, cool fish-eye pictures... not much from his own mind.

Mmmhhh I guess my point is difficult to understand .
What I mean is that "character overlapping" from an author that has been Overlapping tons of others... is not possible.

Btw, on thic picture, if I have to see inspiration... I would more seek into Manara and Hugo Pratt .

TroyB 16/10/2011 19:58:30   
studio.takoyaki 32

Кери a dit:I just recommend you to look at Oh!Great's art, so you can avoid drawing things (mostly hairstyles and clothes) that he already has . I'm not blaming you guys, it's impossible to know every manga character in the world... Keep up the good work
Yep I would say that thoses drawing are older that our first reading of oh! great works.
But I'm not denying the fact that they inspire us.

studio.takoyaki 16/10/2011 20:36:43   
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Run 8 Artworks

Run 8 Artworks: couverture




Auteur :

Version originale: Français

Rythme de publication: Samedi

Type : manga

Genre : Dessins - Artworks

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