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4761 vues
8 commentaires
DrugOn 11

Great dynamism!

DrugOn 08/11/2011 22:41:15   
studio.takoyaki 32

DrugOn a dit:Great dynamism!
Mimi: thanks for commenting so many pages! it's a great motivation for us to see people appreciate our comic this way ^_^

studio.takoyaki 09/11/2011 17:10:30   
DrugOn 11

studio.takoyaki a dit:DrugOn a dit:Great dynamism!
Mimi: thanks for commenting so many pages! it's a great motivation for us to see people appreciate our comic this way ^_^
Yes, I'm trying to support you and show that your work doesn't go to waste. It's weird - you've got many fans and subscribers, but actually no one comments your pages

DrugOn 09/11/2011 17:38:58   
studio.takoyaki 32

DrugOn a dit:studio.takoyaki a dit:DrugOn a dit:Great dynamism!
Mimi: thanks for commenting so many pages! it's a great motivation for us to see people appreciate our comic this way ^_^
Yes, I'm trying to support you and show that your work doesn't go to waste. It's weird - you've got many fans and subscribers, but actually no one comments your pages

Furo :In the french part, we have a lot of comments, but in the english one no. I don't know why. Maybe my translation is bad.

studio.takoyaki 09/11/2011 17:47:44   
DrugOn 11

studio.takoyaki a dit:Furo :In the french part, we have a lot of comments, but in the english one no. I don't know why. Maybe my translation is bad. No, it isn't bad at all. I don't think anyone's got problem to read your comic. Maybe the English version of the site is a bit 'dead' or people just prefer to read, not to comment? Or maybe you should to translate your comic to other, popular languages?

DrugOn 09/11/2011 17:54:20   
studio.takoyaki 32

DrugOn a dit:studio.takoyaki a dit:Furo :In the french part, we have a lot of comments, but in the english one no. I don't know why. Maybe my translation is bad. No, it isn't bad at all. I don't think anyone's got problem to read your comic. Maybe the English version of the site is a bit 'dead' or people just prefer to read, not to comment? Or maybe you should to translate your comic to other, popular languages?

studio.takoyaki 11/11/2011 18:53:13   
DrugOn 11

studio.takoyaki a dit:
But don't worry. I appreciate your fantastic work!

DrugOn 11/11/2011 22:19:07   
studio.takoyaki 32

thanks =)DrugOn a dit:studio.takoyaki a dit:
But don't worry. I appreciate your fantastic work!

studio.takoyaki 11/11/2011 23:19:33   

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Run 8

Run 8: couverture




Auteur : ,

Équipe : , , ,

Traduction par : studio.takoyaki

Version originale: Français

Type : manga

Genre : Action


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