End of chapter 1!
I would like to know how do you like it so far?
CrashBoomBang21/10/2011 13:06:50
brilliant play with the black.
the story just started, so I cant say something about it, but its ok for now.
as final = your comic got my vote
keep it up
ceco121/10/2011 15:11:55
11 Auteur Équipe
ceco1 a dit:brilliant play with the black.
the story just started, so I cant say something about it, but its ok for now.
as final = your comic got my vote
keep it up
thank you! I hope you get to like the rest of it as well.
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End of chapter 1!
CrashBoomBang 21/10/2011 13:06:50I would like to know how do you like it so far?
brilliant play with the black.
ceco1 21/10/2011 15:11:55the story just started, so I cant say something about it, but its ok for now.
as final = your comic got my vote
keep it up
ceco1 a dit:brilliant play with the black.
I hope you get to like the rest of it as well.
CrashBoomBang 21/10/2011 19:27:50the story just started, so I cant say something about it, but its ok for now.
as final = your comic got my vote
keep it up
thank you!