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7117 vues
4 commentaires
Nyuki 33

Cool story !

Nyuki 07/05/2014 15:09:07   
artmerc 1


artmerc 12/06/2014 12:22:10   
Death-carioca 30

My honest opinion:

The beginning was great, i felt like I was watching the very first minutes of the movie UP, simple, yet, so sad and great done. Granted, Up is still superior for having mostly mute scenes, which makes scenes more powerful.
The demons on the story are pointless, greatly designed, yet annoying and just weird. They're there for no reason, just to add questions, and that makes the end really weak just for the distraction of the demons.

Overall, I quite enjoyed it. It does make you wish it was longer, and that's good.
Not the best on Amilova but in my Top 30 easily.

Death-carioca 20/06/2014 17:43:25   
Chewys 31

Really nice story!!!!

Chewys 15/07/2018 16:34:07   
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