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4174 vues
7 commentaires
Drawly 11

If you find something weird here, I might...not spoil much

Drawly 11/10/2011 18:15:02   
ceco1 6

this is one really tall sexy lady with outfit from the future

ceco1 12/10/2011 08:49:46   
Drawly 11

Things really are happening in the future.^^ And this lady is Daniellas grandma :p

Drawly 12/10/2011 09:53:53   
ceco1 6

Drawly a dit:Things really are happening in the future.^^ And this lady is Daniellas grandma :p
so it seems the problem with aging is solved

ceco1 12/10/2011 10:45:55   
Drawly 11

Not exactly, her grandma is special ^_^ Things like that will get explained, but now it will be a spoil if I tell ;D

Drawly 12/10/2011 10:59:47   
studio.takoyaki 32

I keep on reading your comic, and i like it, page after page^^
i'm glad, the french version is updating! \^o^/
but i will try to comment in english sometime for you if you want


studio.takoyaki 16/10/2011 19:09:22   
Drawly 11

That would be great ^^ Tho actually I am seriously trying to learn french so I can answer french comments as well :p But for now english comments would be easier for me

Drawly 17/10/2011 08:05:10   
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Level 53

Level 53: couverture




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Version originale: Български

Type : manga

Genre : Fantasy - SF


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