Very cool way to show the situation ;-)
Tnx ^^ It took a few sketches, but this page was fun to draw ^^
Mimi (illustrator of Run8): great page! the fish eye effect works Furo: This page is a WTF page ! Really good one, and love the corpse looking at us.
studio.takoyaki a dit:Mimi (illustrator of Run8): great page! the fish eye effect works Furo: This page is a WTF page ! Really good one, and love the corpse looking at us. I think the same . Excellent introduction .
Merci ^^ The idea and the story of the comics really inspires me and I do my best to express what I see in my head :p
I love it !
Tnx ^^
Auteur : Drawly
Équipe : ch3w, tze, fikiri
Version originale: Български
Type : manga
Genre : Fantasy - SF
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Very cool way to show the situation ;-)
Murdoch 30/09/2011 14:05:37Auteur
Tnx ^^ It took a few sketches, but this page was fun to draw ^^
Drawly 30/09/2011 19:09:10Mimi (illustrator of Run8):
studio.takoyaki 01/10/2011 16:36:19great page! the fish eye effect works
This page is a WTF page ! Really good one, and love the corpse looking at us.
studio.takoyaki a dit:Mimi (illustrator of Run8):
. Excellent introduction
TroyB 01/10/2011 18:26:04great page! the fish eye effect works
This page is a WTF page ! Really good one, and love the corpse looking at us.
I think the same
Merci ^^ The idea and the story of the comics really inspires me and I do my best to express what I see in my head :p
Drawly 01/10/2011 23:42:19I love it !
Eskhar 07/10/2011 09:54:58Auteur
Tnx ^^
Drawly 07/10/2011 10:47:33