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4082 vues
5 commentaires
Drawly 11

Daniella still doesn't realize she is geniusly intelligent, her grandma sees it tho. ;p

Drawly 22/10/2011 14:07:12   
TroyB 41

The hall illustration is awesome .

TroyB 03/11/2011 10:48:22   
Drawly 11

Thank you ^^ (sun)

Drawly 03/11/2011 11:04:03   
johandark 34

"Your room is on the second floor, right corridor, third door to the right..." What?! and woman does not repeat it to the girl?!! in that huge mansion?!... Probably i´m like Ryoga... but i´m sure that i would arrive to the dog´s house to sleep after hours of searching my room xD.

Just a great background. Obviously is a photoshop filter on a photograph, but really sweet done good work!

johandark 03/11/2011 12:42:38   
Drawly 11

johandark a dit:"Your room is on the second floor, right corridor, third door to the right..." What?! and woman does not repeat it to the girl?!! in that huge mansion?!... Probably i´m like Ryoga... but i´m sure that i would arrive to the dog´s house to sleep after hours of searching my room xD.

Just a great background. Obviously is a photoshop filter on a photograph, but really sweet done good work!

Haha, about the description, you can read on the previous page that Daniella remembers stuff from when she was just a few days old, her grandma knows Daniellas memory is exceptional and there is no need to worry about how to enplane things simply ^^
And yap, the background is tnx to the lovely photoshop ^^

And about getting lost with such description, I would be in the same bout as you D

Drawly 03/11/2011 15:36:16   
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Level 53

Level 53: couverture




Auteur :

Équipe : , ,

Version originale: Български

Type : manga

Genre : Fantasy - SF


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