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6 commentaires
Guildadventure 31

This is the rooster for the first round of the tournament, you see something interesting yet?

Guildadventure 03/05/2014 01:01:53   
Giancarlo Viru 10

I'll be in the front seat cheering the Rabiox Team!!!

Giancarlo Viru 03/05/2014 03:24:18   
Guildadventure 31

You will have to wake up early to get a first row seat xD

Guildadventure 03/05/2014 10:54:29   
Giancarlo Viru 10

yeah man, it's a long line, people didn't go to sleep to be the first ones in the entrance, that's crazy they were pushing each other XD

Giancarlo Viru 03/05/2014 20:34:23   
Guildadventure 31

Aaand half of them have weapons XD

Guildadventure 03/05/2014 21:55:42   
Giancarlo Viru 10

oh yes, that too, and that's cheating!!!

Giancarlo Viru 04/05/2014 16:38:57   
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Guild Adventure

Guild Adventure: couverture




Auteur :

Équipe : , ,

Version originale: Español

Type : manga

Genre : Action


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