Some absurd humor this time, unfortunatelly the Llama joke is imposible to translate
'uh' 'when do you thought' isn't 'when did you think'? Well I get confused there. otherwise sorry ( catch a bomb ) My God!
Don't know, sometimes i get time verbs wrong, isn't "thought" the past form for "think"?
Yes it is, but in a negative past sentence the "do" become did instead of the verb, so it's "When did you think" ^^ ... Whatever catch a bomb in the air is still a dangerous idea... %)
Ok, i'll try to change it when i have some free time, thx for the info
this is what I said, I fully agree with Tibari. Thank you!
Auteur : Guildadventure
Équipe : Tony Dias Goncalves, Rambam, Bellatrice
Version originale: Español
Type : manga
Genre : Action
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Some absurd humor this time, unfortunatelly the Llama joke is imposible to translate
Guildadventure 09/08/2014 01:38:56'uh' 'when do you thought' isn't 'when did you think'?
christian thailande 10/08/2014 17:51:37Well I get confused there.
otherwise sorry ( catch a bomb ) My God!
Don't know, sometimes i get time verbs wrong, isn't "thought" the past form for "think"?
Guildadventure 10/08/2014 20:37:09Yes it is, but in a negative past sentence the "do" become did instead of the verb, so it's "When did you think" ^^
Tibari 12/08/2014 03:10:24... Whatever catch a bomb in the air is still a dangerous idea... %)
Ok, i'll try to change it when i have some free time, thx for the info
Guildadventure 12/08/2014 09:52:39this is what I said, I fully agree with Tibari.
christian thailande 13/08/2014 05:28:00Thank you!