Yes, it’s a day before Halloween and it’s time for the Halloween jam! So here’s ours. The twins, la Chiqui and Pedro as " characters. Pedro as Jake, Chiqui as Marah and the twins as medusa sisters :3
Modest medusa comic, also has its characters dressed, by the way. And those other characters are dressed as other webcomic characters… and so on until we get back here again. Go check all the ring and happy Halloween!
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Yes, it’s a day before Halloween and it’s time for the Halloween jam! So here’s ours. The twins, la Chiqui and Pedro as " characters. Pedro as Jake, Chiqui as Marah and the twins as medusa sisters :3
SkillDraw 30/10/2013 19:21:06Modest medusa comic, also has its characters dressed, by the way. And those other characters are dressed as other webcomic characters… and so on until we get back here again. Go check all the ring and happy Halloween!