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9008 vues
11 commentaires
johandark 34

Next Week 2 New characters!! and they will be girls! (not naked) and they are the ones that appear in the new cover of arkham!

johandark 02/12/2011 18:54:52   
TroyB 41

johandark a dit: they will be girls! (not naked)

You just lost 300votes.

TroyB 02/12/2011 19:02:44   
johandark 34

TroyB a dit:johandark a dit: they will be girls! (not naked)

You just lost 300votes.

jajaja but the two girls (and that other thing) are naked in two pages before!

johandark 02/12/2011 19:14:10   
Smiley 8

Well...this girl's a pain in the...head she's kinda slu..bad well i love this comic,it makes me angry,makes me live the trauma the drama the love

Smiley 02/12/2011 21:04:50   
johandark 34

Smiley a dit:Well...this girl's a pain in the...head she's kinda slu..bad well i love this comic,it makes me angry,makes me live the trauma the drama the love

wow.. how many feelings! jaja I´m glad to read this

johandark 03/12/2011 02:22:47   
fusion13 2

Come to thing of it, what's with that big guy's chest?

fusion13 26/04/2012 04:28:12   
johandark 34

fusion13 a dit:Come to thing of it, what's with that big guy's chest?

It´s not a guy... xD

johandark 26/04/2012 09:04:12   
fusion13 2

johandark a dit:fusion13 a dit:Come to thing of it, what's with that big guy's chest?

It´s not a guy... xD

I see.

fusion13 30/04/2012 05:16:59   
evajung 2

Oh yeah. All but one in ARKHAM are FEMALE...lol johandark a dit:fusion13 a dit:Come to thing of it, what's with that big guy's chest?

It´s not a guy... xD

evajung 12/10/2012 06:14:34   
evajung 2

That is one HUGE man...

evajung 12/10/2012 06:12:34   
johandark 34

evajung a dit:That is one HUGE man...

Well... is not exactly a "man"... xD

johandark 12/10/2012 11:02:49   
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ARKHAM roots

ARKHAM roots: couverture




Auteur :

Équipe : , , , , , , , , , , ,

Traduction par : evajung

Version originale: Español

Rythme de publication: Lundi, Mercredi, Vendredi

Type : manga

Genre : Fantasy - SF


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