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8677 vues
7 commentaires
johandark 34


johandark 06/12/2011 11:57:19   
TroyB 41

johandark a dit:NEW GIRLS!! :at:

The one on the left is yummy

TroyB 08/12/2011 08:22:34   
johandark 34

TroyB a dit:johandark a dit:NEW GIRLS!! undefined

The one on the left is yummy

Curiously my type of girls is more like the one on the right... more male face, less breast, even short hair... But you are right... the left one is yummy too xD

johandark 08/12/2011 10:00:00   
Mart 17

TroyB a dit:johandark a dit:NEW GIRLS!! undefined

The one on the left is yummy

Oh, man...that's my shirt from last night she wearing!

Mart 08/12/2011 10:50:19   
johandark 34

Mart a dit:TroyB a dit:johandark a dit:NEW GIRLS!! undefined

The one on the left is yummy

Oh, man...that's my shirt from last night she wearing!

jajaja yeah.. sure... but you don´t so magnific boobs!! So it´s not the same! sorry... xDD (it would be really weird see you with those things..... ... crap my imagination is really crazy... xD)

johandark 08/12/2011 20:15:44   
Mart 17

johandark a dit:Mart a dit:TroyB a dit:johandark a dit:NEW GIRLS!! undefined

The one on the left is yummy

Oh, man...that's my shirt from last night she wearing!

jajaja yeah.. sure... but you don´t so magnific boobs!! So it´s not the same! sorry... xDD (it would be really weird see you with those things..... ... crap my imagination is really crazy... xD)

I want to be seen with this things...or better...between them!

Mart 08/12/2011 20:18:54   
johandark 34

Mart a dit:johandark a dit:Mart a dit:TroyB a dit:johandark a dit:NEW GIRLS!! undefined

The one on the left is yummy

Oh, man...that's my shirt from last night she wearing!

jajaja yeah.. sure... but you don´t so magnific boobs!! So it´s not the same! sorry... xDD (it would be really weird see you with those things..... ... crap my imagination is really crazy... xD)

I want to be seen with this things...or better...between them!

jajaja that´s a completely different thing!! xDD

johandark 08/12/2011 20:25:03   

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ARKHAM roots

ARKHAM roots: couverture




Auteur :

Équipe : , , , , , , , , , , ,

Traduction par : evajung

Version originale: Español

Rythme de publication: Lundi, Mercredi, Vendredi

Type : manga

Genre : Fantasy - SF


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