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10015 vues
8 commentaires
johandark 34

To fit better with the actual script of Arkham, I had to change some text in two previous pages. Do you know tell me the difference?



(I know that change past pages are not really nice thing... But it was really necessary since I needed to fix something to make a better story )

johandark 18/10/2011 11:15:39   
mcgrnwlf 8

why does the woman in the last panel remind me of ritsuko from evangelion?

mcgrnwlf 21/10/2011 01:08:46   
johandark 34

mcgrnwlf a dit:why does the woman in the last panel remind me of ritsuko from evangelion?

Yeah... probably because I love evangelion, And I liked that character really much... jeje. But it´s not exactly as her... (But mostly yes xD).

johandark 21/10/2011 03:40:52   
shicajacs 2

Your art level has grown!! I hope this continue...

shicajacs 23/10/2011 19:35:07   
johandark 34

shicajacs a dit:Your art level has grown!! I hope this continue...

thanks... I hope you like the next pages!! today a new page

johandark 24/10/2011 10:48:18   
Mart 17

Great work in the first panel

Mart 04/11/2011 10:41:11   
johandark 34

Mart a dit:Great work in the first panel

jejeje thanks!! but it´s the second i think.. because the first is just black color ^^ thanks!

johandark 04/11/2011 11:09:36   
Mart 17

johandark a dit:Mart a dit:Great work in the first panel

jejeje thanks!! but it´s the second i think.. because the first is just black color ^^ thanks!

Oh yeah... ( shame )^^

Mart 04/11/2011 11:12:59   

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ARKHAM roots

ARKHAM roots: couverture




Auteur :

Équipe : , , , , , , , , , , ,

Traduction par : evajung

Version originale: Español

Rythme de publication: Lundi, Mercredi, Vendredi

Type : manga

Genre : Fantasy - SF


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