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9317 vues
7 commentaires
Smiley 8

seriously...big question for you...do you draw all of this? ...the characters?...the background?...do you write the story?...do you do ALL OF THIS?...you are just to F!@#$%G good at this...man i really love your story..hope you get #1'st place in AMILOVA competition,i will vote for ARKHAM...

Smiley 10/11/2011 21:19:01   
johandark 34

Smiley a dit:seriously...big question for you...do you draw all of this? ...the characters?...the background?...do you write the story?...do you do ALL OF THIS?...you are just to F!@#$%G good at this...man i really love your story..hope you get #1'st place in AMILOVA competition,i will vote for ARKHAM...

jajjaja Thank you!! I´m sorry for my bad english...

Yeah... I do.. EVERYTHING. Characters, Story. Even Backgrounds I do them in 3D modeling them (except objects that i took them from a library of objects i had done before.. jeje) But I do everything. (This background in particular it was really hard to do).

Now i´m in #11 place in competition...

That´s in part because I can´t talk with french members and there is where are more readers (and talk with readers is a good help). But I´m really glad to can talk with English Members like you^^

Thank you very much! really! ^^

johandark 10/11/2011 21:32:49   
Mart 17


Mart 11/11/2011 14:00:41   
johandark 34

Mart a dit:'Smokin!

Yeah.. he needs something stronger that what Lucky Luke Smokes xD

johandark 11/11/2011 17:46:33   
Mart 17

johandark a dit:Mart a dit:'Smokin!

Yeah.. he needs something stronger that what Lucky Luke Smokes xD

Mart 11/11/2011 17:47:47   
Kazekage-chan 1

Amazing, I love how I can see the improvement from the first pages and now ( Not that the first pages aren't good but you get even better ;D)

Kazekage-chan 16/11/2011 19:56:52   
johandark 34

Kazekage-chan a dit:Amazing, I love how I can see the improvement from the first pages and now ( Not that the first pages aren't good but you get even better ;D)

Yep... this 5th chapter I´m trying to do it really well... but it took me probably too much time.. jeje and now i just do 3 pages for week... xD

johandark 16/11/2011 20:24:52   
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ARKHAM roots

ARKHAM roots: couverture




Auteur :

Équipe : , , , , , , , , , , ,

Traduction par : evajung

Version originale: Español

Rythme de publication: Lundi, Mercredi, Vendredi

Type : manga

Genre : Fantasy - SF


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