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Project2nd : manga couverture

Project2nd is a webcomic inspired by old Japanese tales with a touch of Western culture. The story takes place in a world in conflict due to a consortium controlling the economy and the magical items useful for the everyday life. In the past, this consortium settled the world to an apparent stability and officially abolished slavery. The previously enslaved faerun remain a workforce for the humans and are still treated poorly. This consortium tends to suppress any of the remaining old world into a unification to their new culture. But the stability of the consortium has been shaken because of the escape of a girl and her secret.

Inspired by many Japaneses tales and kabukis like Ume no Haru Gojūsantsug, Kaii Hyakumonogatari, Kaguya-hime, Kumagai no Jirō Naozane. Our story uses Kemono characters which is the Japanese translation for anthropomorphic creatures usually referred as yokai in theses tales. That’s why Project2nd could be translated by Raiju yōkai monogatari.

Facebook page http://www.facebook.com/Project2nd

Twitter http://www.twitter.com/Loicklegacy

Website http://www.project2nd.com/

Forum http://www.project2nd.com/forum/

Ask.fm http://ask.fm/LoickLegacy

Top Webcomic http://topwebcomics.com/vote/15719/default.aspx

Dessinateur :

Version originale : English

Mise à jour : En pause

Genre : Fantasy - SF

Type : manga - Saga
(lire de gauche à droite)

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Tibari Tibari 18mai ch2 p43 "The page is still being processed please wait a moment" :/
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