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4 commentaires
tai 4

Sooo cuteeee! o

Neither the almighty god can resist a cute face like that saing "pleaseee"

tai 22/12/2011 01:48:53   
Y-Mangaka 12

tai a dit:Sooo cuteeee! o <BR> <BR>Neither the almighty god can resist a cute face like that saying "pleaseee"
hehe XP
who could resist ecchi angel cuteness ? ;3 lol

Y-Mangaka 23/12/2011 01:18:59   
tai 4

Y-Mangaka a dit:tai a dit:Sooo cuteeee! o&lt;BR&gt;&lt;BR&gt;Neither the almighty god can resist a cute face like that saying "pleaseee"
hehe XP
who could resist ecchi angel cuteness ? ;3 lol

So true... so true xD

By the way, finally I catch up with the spanish translation, the english pages. Luckily your manga is a little easier to translate for me than others. I dunno why.

tai 23/12/2011 02:43:27   
Y-Mangaka 12

tai a dit:By the way, finally I catch up with the spanish translation, the english pages. Luckily your manga is a little easier to translate for me than others. I dunno why.
aah, that's nice. ^^,
thanks for your help

Y-Mangaka 23/12/2011 04:27:20   
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Itai Tenshi

Itai Tenshi: couverture




Auteur :

Traduction par : Y-Mangaka

Version originale: Français

Rythme de publication: Mercredi, Samedi

Type : manga

Genre : Action


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