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4 commentaires
tai 4

What perv face was doing Itai-kun in the second panel xP

And poor Yawarakai (again)... maybe she too has one hell of bad luck (despite she being an angel).

tai 20/12/2011 01:07:59   
Y-Mangaka 12

tai a dit:What perv face was doing Itai-kun in the second panel xP <BR> <BR>And poor Yawarakai (again)... maybe she too has one hell of bad luck (despite she being an angel).
hehe, yea. XP
true. ^^' haha, good one.

Y-Mangaka 20/12/2011 02:33:57   
johandark 34

Nice to see you around Amilova.com Too Y-Mangaka! that´s pretty interesting ^^. Your pages in future are really much better than now... but it seems a really nice comic

johandark 20/12/2011 10:03:14   
Y-Mangaka 12

johandark a dit:Nice to see you around Amilova.com Too Y-Mangaka! that´s pretty interesting ^^. Your pages in future are really much better than now... but it seems a really nice comic
thanks a lot. ^^
Im glad you like my comic and I hope you'll follow and vote for it. ;>

Y-Mangaka 21/12/2011 16:13:55   
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Itai Tenshi

Itai Tenshi: couverture




Auteur :

Traduction par : Y-Mangaka

Version originale: Français

Rythme de publication: Mercredi, Samedi

Type : manga

Genre : Action


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