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6 commentaires
Guildadventure 31

Did someone though about this when they explained the Incompletes? xD, most incompletes are humans, but there’s a few from other races too, and so we have a terrible enemy for a salamander, and also we see the first combined symbiosis, water+wind to make an impenetrable defense.

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Guildadventure 07/07/2015 17:06:30   
Bellatrice 33

Have her wings simply grown up? How can she hide them?

Bellatrice 18/11/2015 20:13:52   
Guildadventure 31

Yes she managed to make them reduce their size and grow, like marine creatures

Guildadventure 19/11/2015 01:20:57   
Bellatrice 33

Marine creatures ?

Bellatrice 19/11/2015 18:33:30   
Guildadventure 31

from the sea

Guildadventure 20/11/2015 11:47:25   
Bellatrice 33

I mean what creaturs? Will we see them in the comics?

Bellatrice 20/11/2015 13:27:17   
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Guild Adventure

Guild Adventure: couverture




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Version originale: Español

Type : manga

Genre : Action


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