Dear Nomya readers, I just fixed all balloons from the 1st page to now + added a nice new font.
Hope everything is fine now and your reading of Nomya will be even better . It's a nice manga, please comment and give feedback !!!
TroyB10/11/2011 19:10:15
I like it
Gaara11/11/2011 10:53:16
12 Auteur
Gaara a dit:I like it
Thanks a lot.
Alex Xaysena11/11/2011 22:03:44
interesting style Alex gg
NatsuDragneel11/11/2011 17:41:05
12 Auteur
NatsuDragneel a dit:interesting style Alex gg
Thanks a lot.
Alex Xaysena11/11/2011 22:04:06
loooool Amilova, good one Alex !
DRAGONBALLZ12/11/2011 13:02:47
12 Auteur
DRAGONBALLZ a dit:loooool Amilova, good one Alex !
Thank you ! Amilova like the city of Nomya, and she's with Megane (from Hemisphere) in this page.
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Hi Amilova
. It's a nice manga, please comment and give feedback
TroyB 10/11/2011 19:10:15Dear Nomya readers, I just fixed all balloons from the 1st page to now + added a nice new font.
Hope everything is fine now and your reading of Nomya will be even better
I like it
Gaara 11/11/2011 10:53:16Auteur
Gaara a dit:I like it
Alex Xaysena 11/11/2011 22:03:44Thanks a lot.
interesting style Alex gg
NatsuDragneel 11/11/2011 17:41:05Auteur
NatsuDragneel a dit:interesting style Alex gg
Alex Xaysena 11/11/2011 22:04:06Thanks a lot.
loooool Amilova, good one Alex !
DRAGONBALLZ 12/11/2011 13:02:47Auteur
DRAGONBALLZ a dit:loooool Amilova, good one Alex !
Alex Xaysena 13/11/2011 20:14:58Thank you ! Amilova like the city of Nomya, and she's with Megane (from Hemisphere) in this page.