Yep I think the same as Toh !
Congrats it's very promising !
Don't hesitate to present your comic on the message board when you have the time !
TroyB04/10/2011 22:05:43
1 Auteur
We recommend the english version, since it's the original text. Translations are far from perfect and still incomplete. Thank you for reading our manga!
Tu peux traduire cette BD via notre interface en ligne. Traduire aidera l'auteur à se faire connaitre, et exprimera ta gratitude et ton intérêt. Les traducteurs sérieux seront récompensés avec des Golds.
Congrats on the release
Toh 04/10/2011 20:38:09Toh a dit:Congrats on the release
TroyB 04/10/2011 22:05:43Yep I think the same as Toh
Congrats it's very promising !
Don't hesitate to present your comic on the message board when you have the time
We recommend the english version, since it's the original text. Translations are far from perfect and still incomplete. Thank you for reading our manga!
Keruo Nasumishi 07/10/2011 14:21:28